Indians in Ohio in starting near 1700
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Ohio Indains meeting with LaSalle
Located in northwest Ohio
Migrated from Ontario
Were an offshoot of the Huron
Notable: Chief Tarhe "The Crane"
Located in northwest Ohio
Migrated from Canada
Used Mercer County as a hunting ground
Notable: Chief Pontiac
Located in northeast Ohio
The 6th Iroquois tribe
Located in southeast Ohio
Were comprised of expatriate Indians from several tribes (Cayugo, Seneca and others)
Notable: Chief Logan
Located in southeast Indiana & southwest Ohio
The most populous tribe in Ohio
Known to be very peaceful
Migrated from Pennsylvania
Possibly were formerly the Fort Ancient people
Locate din Ohio in roughly 1725
Hunted in the Mercer County area
Notables: Blackhoof, Cornstalk, Blue Jacket and Tecumseh
Lived in the upper Great Miami River valley (near present day Troy & Piqua) and the Maumee Valley (near Ft.Wayne)
The second most populous tribe in Ohio
Migrated from the Wisconsin area
Pickaway (present day Piqua)was one of the largest Indian settlements anywhere
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