French and Indian War

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The French and Indian War is referred to as the Seven Years war in Europe and it lasted from 1756 to 1763. Both the British and the French were using Indians friendly to them to help fight the war. In 1758 a missionary named Christian Post traveled among the Ohio Indians and encouraged them to remain neutral. A number of tribes heeded his advice.

The French built three forts in disputed territory. Ft. Le Boeuf was built near present-day Waterford, PA, Ft. Presque Isle near present-day Erie, PA and Ft. Venango near present day Franklin, PA. The British began building a fort at the mouth of the Ohio (as permission was given to them by the Miami in 1748). The fort, which was to be named Pitt, was attacked and captured by the French before construction was complete. The French renamed it Fort Duquesne.

British General Edward Braddock led an English army to retake Fort Duquesne. One of his officers was George Washington. A combined French and Shawnee force that was outnumbered 2 to 1 ambushed Braddock's troops. Chief Blackhoof led the Shawnees. There were 877 British killed or wounded in the battle and the British were defeated. Braddock was among the dead.

George Washington led a second British attempt to reclaim Fort Duquesne in 1758. He was successful and the fort was renamed Fort Pitt.

The British, under the leadership of General Wolf, invaded Quebec in 1759 and captured Montreal in 1760. The British secured other victories (St. Louis and New Orleans) and the French surrendered. The war was officially over with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The French forfeited all lands east of the Mississippi River to Britain.

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